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Overthinking will destroy you. How to stop overthinking and start living?

You would never invite a thief in your house. So why would you allow all thoughts that steal your joy to make themselves at home in your mind?

Every human being is engaged with some sort of problems in their life. Some are important and some are not so important at the time being. Whatever the issue might be, whether big or small, we think about them.

We think about what to do, what not to do, and what would be “the best” for us and everyone else around us. At such times, we often worry and overthink a lot.

Overthinking is something that only harms your mental health. It happens mainly due to the reminder of past experiences and preparation for future ones. Anyway, it is definitely unhealthy and it stops your brain to focus on the more important things.

Instead of acting and doing things, you end up overthinking in such situations. When you analyze, think, and repeat the thoughts, again and again, this allows you to just overthink and not take any actions.

This kind of thinking wastes your time, consumes energy, and prevent you from taking actions, doing new things and making progress in life.

It is like a rope is tied to yourself that is connected to a pole and goes in circles again and again. The main cause for this could be worry, anxiety, depression and lack of inner peace.

How Overthinking will destroy you?

Overthinking is not a nuisance, it can lead to serious mental-health problems.

Studies show that overthinking leads to serious emotional and mental distress. To escape that distress, many overthinkers rely on various unhealthy strategies such as alcohol, liquor, etc.

If you are an overthinker, you are likely aware of the fact that you can’t sleep when your mind won’t shut off. Even if you are lying in your bed, you won’t be able to get a peaceful amount of sleep which will eventually disturb your next and upcoming days.

At times, when something bad happens with you, you think about the worst-case scenarios, with thoughts like “what if?” or “why?”. You worry about your past mistakes or current problems, and how they might lead to negative outcomes.

You will start doubting yourself, you will invite all the negative thoughts to enter your brain. Thus making you less productive at your work.

How to stop overthinking and start living?

Actually, we can’t stop overthinking, no one can’t. But surely we can control what we think.

The job of our mind is to think. It allows us to think deeply, to think more. But due to lack of awareness, we get attached to every thought that we think.

This leads to thinking more and gradually it becomes a habit. Sometimes, we don’t even remember when and how we fall into such a case.

This won’t do anything to your physical body but causes mental illness. We fell disturbed and irritated.

These tips might help you to control your mind and start living :

  1. Believe in yourself

  2. Quit trying to make sense of everything that happens to you, allow yourself to flow free, and accept all the blessings and blossoms of life.

    Don’t let any negativity affect your feelings. Stop questioning yourself with questions such as, “why”, “what if?”, or about any past experiences. The past has passed, let it fu*king go. Have trust and believe there is someone above you who will take care of your well-being. You should calm your worried mind.

    Stop doubting and comparing yourself with others, and believe in yourself. Ignore what others think about you.

  3. Decide what you think is productive or not

  4. Notice when you are thinking too much. Start paying attention to the way you think. When you realize that you are constantly thinking about some events or worrying about things you can’t control, then ask yourself whether these thoughts are productive or not.

    Being aware of what you think is the first step to put an end to overthinking. Just ask yourself that the thoughts that you think are useful or beneficial in your life, if not, then dump those thoughts. It would be a waste of your time thinking about such things. Focus on the important things, not on unimportant things.

  5. The act of doing

  6. Keep thinking about the problems won’t be of any help, but looking for solutions is. Ask yourself what steps you can take to learn from your mistakes and avoid future problems. Instead of asking why something happened with me, and ask yourself what you can do about it.

    Realize that thinking once or few times is enough. It leads you nowhere but to think it over and over again. Instead, you need to make decisions and act.

    Be comfortable with being wrong in your decisions. Your opinions and knowledge of the situation will change with time.

  7. Share your thoughts

  8. Talk to your parents, friends or loved ones whom you trust and share your thoughts with them so that they can reduce your stress levels and you can focus on your goal.

    Stay happy and try to set small goals and experience happiness by achieving it.

  9. Keep yourself busy

  10. The most effective way to get rid of overthinking is to keep yourself as busy as possible.

    The best example I can give here is, when you have to submit your assignment the next morning, do you think anything else at that time. NO. Your prime focus at that time is to complete your assignment first.

    Keep yourself busy in doing something, for example- learning a new language, doing exercise, meditation, reading a book, etc. You can replace this with any other hobby that you like.

  11. Overthinking is not always bad

  12. Overthinking is a good way when you use it in the right direction such as thinking about your parent’s happiness, what makes you happy, about your future and what are the ways you can make it good, etc.

    Thinking about useless things is bad and it destroys your brain drastically.

  13. Start living in the moment

  14. Don’t panic too much about the future. No one can predict what will happen to you in ten years or as a matter of fact, even tomorrow! Life is unpredictable. Who knows what circumstances one might encounter that may change the course of your life? Planning ahead of time is admirable, but one should not go about planning for the next ten years for the next five years!

Everyone wants the world to change in some way or other, but before that, ask yourself, are you willing to change yourself first?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Marline Forsyth

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